2 Sfas Emes - Shemos
From the Rambam to the Maharal to the Gra, R’ Aaron Lopiansky gives shiurim on a variety of seforim. Choose a sefer that speaks to you and learn through with R’ Aaron’s clarity.
2 Sfas Emes - Shemos
01 Sfas Emes - Shemos 5631
January 04, 202401 Sfas Emes - Shemos 5631
01 Sfas Emes – Shemos 5632
January 17, 202501 Sfas Emes – Shemos 5632
03 Sfas Emes - Bo 5631
January 18, 202403 Sfas Emes - Bo 5631
04 Sfas Emes - Bishalach 5631
January 25, 202404 Sfas Emes - Bishalach 5631
05 Sfas Emes - Yisro 5632
February 02, 202405 Sfas Emes - Yisro 5632
06 Sfas Emes - Mishpatim 5631
February 17, 202306 Sfas Emes - Mishpatim 5631
07 Sfas Emes - Terumah 5644
February 24, 202307 Sfas Emes - Terumah 5644
08 Sfas Emes - Teztaveh 5631
February 22, 202408 Sfas Emes - Teztaveh 5631
09 Sfas Emes - Ki Sisa 5631
March 01, 202409 Sfas Emes - Ki Sisa 5631
09 Sfas Emes - Ki Sisa 5733
March 09, 202309 Sfas Emes - Ki Sisa 5733
10 Sfas Emes - Vayakhel 5635
March 08, 202410 Sfas Emes - Vayakhel 5635
11 Sfas Emes - Pekudei 5632
March 16, 202311 Sfas Emes - Pekudei 5632
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