Sfas Emes

From the Rambam to the Maharal to the Gra, R’ Aaron Lopiansky gives shiurim on a variety of seforim. Choose a sefer that speaks to you and learn through with R’ Aaron’s clarity.

Sfas Emes
December 28, 2023
1 Sfas Emes - Bereishis (9)
1 Sfas Emes - Bereishis (9)
December 28, 2023
March 08, 2024
2 Sfas Emes - Shemos (11)
2 Sfas Emes - Shemos (11)
March 08, 2024
May 24, 2024
3 Sfas Emes - Vayikra (8)
3 Sfas Emes - Vayikra (8)
May 24, 2024
July 11, 2024
4 Sfas Emes - Bamidbar (7)
4 Sfas Emes - Bamidbar (7)
July 11, 2024
September 07, 2023
5 Sfas Emes - Devorim (3)
5 Sfas Emes - Devorim (3)
September 07, 2023
December 06, 2023
6 Sfas Emes - Moadim (3)
6 Sfas Emes - Moadim (3)
December 06, 2023
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