
From the Rambam to the Maharal to the Gra, R’ Aaron Lopiansky gives shiurim on a variety of seforim. Choose a sefer that speaks to you and learn through with R’ Aaron’s clarity.

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Yesodei HaTorah Series 2 (pp 0595-0596) – VaYikra

Yesodei HaTorah Series 2 (pp 0595-0596) – VaYikra

March 06, 2022 3. Vayikra

The Reason for Korbanos al Derech Agaddah, To Inspire the Heart of the Sinner to Hachnaa
Ramban (pg. 595)
Rabbeinu Bechaya (1:9) (pg. 595) [07:58]

The Reason for Korbanos al pi HaSechel, To Burn and Destroy the Ruach HaTumah
Rabbeinu Bechaya (1:9) (pg. 596) [17:26]

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