Bo 5783 – Sod HaIbbur, The Power of Renewal (with Q&A) – Mevaseret 5783

Bo 5783 – Sod HaIbbur, The Power of Renewal (with Q&A) – Mevaseret 5783

September 15, 2024

Somehow this shiur got lost and was not posted back in 2023 – sorry!


Delivered at Mevaseret, #Israel Trip 2023


26:45 Most pressing challenge facing yeshiva bochrim

30:54 Catching up when you didn’t learn that much in high school

32:26 Connecting to Hashem through Tefilla

38:28 Limudim in addition to Gemarah

39:43 Building Excitement for Learning

44:20 Parents and Giving Children Independence

48:23 Yiridas HaDoros

53:54 Does one still need a rebbi

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